Lately, I’ve been feeling like a human petri dish. This past month, I’ve mostly just been
getting sick and getting better, and getting sick. My immune system is totally unconcerned with keeping me
well, it seems, because whenever I come across germs, my body welcomes them and
tries to give them a hospitable environment to flourish in. It’s been a surprise to me, because
even though pregnant women are in the immuno-compromised category of people
you’re supposed to be careful around (like elderly people and cancer patients),
I really thought I would do better than this. Usually if I'm taking Vitamin D3, I don't get sick. So much for that.
Other than that, pregnancy has been going well.
I had an appointment with my midwife this Monday and did my
glucose test; it came back great, and my iron level was also great, so that’s
good news.
When we peeked at the baby, she was not breech
anymore. My midwife said that at
this point it doesn’t really matter what position she’s in, because she can
still move around a lot and as her head gets bigger (and heavier) that will
help her move into the right position.
But, babies that are breech when it’s time to be born are usually babies
that have been breech the whole time, so it’s still good to have seen her in a
different position this time.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve started to feel the baby kick (or
move around?) a lot more than I used to.
Jeff felt her kick for the first time a few weeks ago, and that was
cool. The baby likes cookies. When I eat cookies she moves more.
We bought a nursery set. I had been watching on KSL for a used set in good condition,
and we ended up buying a crib, changing table, tall dresser, and glider from a
very nice family that was moving to Cyprus. It
was quite an ordeal! The night
that we picked it all up, it snowed.
So, we were trying to disassemble and move everything downstairs,
(without me helping much since furniture is heavy), keep it dry, and load it up
in our truck, and then secure it all.
Now, I’m disappointed with the furniture. It’s built well—it’s solid wood,
without laminate or particle board—but now I realize it’s much more worn than I realized it was when we were buying it. So, I want to re-finish it all, but
that is a Big Project, and definitely one I don’t have time for, so instead I
need to just be happy and quit worrying about it. I also want to reupholster the glider, because it has a
couple stains on it. Jeff says if
it isn’t good enough, we needed to decide we were spending more, and just not
buy this stuff to begin with, because refinishing furniture is way more work
than it is worth. Fair
enough. My secret plan is to be
content with it for now and then either refinish it or upgrade for our next
baby. Maybe I’ll get used to it
and it won’t matter. When you're starting out, you don't have to have everything brand new and perfect.
Even though I think the furniture looks kind of ugly, it
still feels good to have things closer to ready for the baby. Now, if the baby were born, we would
have somewhere to put her, and somewhere to rock her, and a place for her
clothes. That’s progress.
We are going to paint the nursery after all. I ordered the milk paint and it came this
week. I’ll probably write a
separate post about that, because it is going to be a project, for sure.
The other thing that is on my mind lately is naming the
baby. We still don’t have a name
picked out. People keep telling me
“reassuring” stories about not knowing what they were going to name their baby
until it was born. I hate those
stories, because I think that if we still don’t have a name picked out when she
is born, I think most likely Jeff and I won’t
look at her and both instantly and independently know that she’s supposed to be
named some special, previously unknown and unconsidered name. Instead, we’ll look at her and think: “Oh, no, now she’s
here and we only have a few days left to figure out what we’re naming her, but
we still have no clue!” And,
usually, if you don’t know someone’s name it’s because they’re a stranger; I
want to put her name on stuff, and be able to introduce her to people, and have
some budding sense of her separate identity, and have her belong with us and be
part of our family, and I feel like that’s disrupted by not even knowing her
name or who she is.
Naming people is tough.
Other things have been happening too: we’ve been attending our
Brio Birth classes, I started participating in our city’s “University” program,
and my business has been…interesting lately. I’ll save those things for another post, though, because I
need to get back to being productive.