I know it seems like I just blogged about this because I was so slow about posting for June, but this Saturday was another co-op Saturday.

This month I got another Standard Share.
Standard Share ($23)
1 lb. lean ground beef
2 lbs. split chicken breast
3 lb beef back ribs
4 zucchini (from East Farms)
2 green onions (from East Farms)
5 pears
1 cauliflower
1 package cherry tomatoes
1 bag potatoes (5 lbs)
1 bag of cherries (2 lbs, locally grown from Tagge's Fruit)
8 apricots (Tagge's Fruit)
Stone Ground's Artisan Wheat Loaf
16 oz. rice (white or brown, depending on the whims of the fates)
Plus I added a Stone Ground's Artisan Sourdough Loaf for a few more dollars.
The bundles of green onions were HUGE, and really, what would I do with that many green onions anyway, so I traded one bundle of green onions for a small potted cilantro plant. Which was perfect for me because my herb garden is thriving EXCEPT for my cilantro, which died after Paley knocked it from the window.
(The picture is of the stuff. Notice how full the box of cherry tomatoes is! Notice that we're having RIBS sometime soon. And notice J bought me flowers again, which you can only see the bottom of, and which were not included with the co-op order.)

Every month I am just so amazed by what a deal it is! This month, for extra fun, I saw someone I knew for the first time. Turns out, this awesome girl that I work with orders with the co-op too! She was surprised to see me there, but we see each other outside of work pretty regularly, at Trolley Square and places.
In case you're curious, the things for the other shares were:
Harvest Share (= without the meat)
6 zucchini (from East Farms*)
3 green onions (from East Farms)
1 package of carrots (from East Farms)
6 pears
1 head of cauliflower
1 bag potatoes (5 lbs)
1 bag of cherries (2 lbs, locally grown from Tagge's Fruit)
1 package of cherry tomatoes
18 (yes, 18) apricots from Tagge's Fruit
Stone Ground's Artisan Wheat Loaf
16 oz. rice (white or brown)
Half Share
1 lb. lean ground beef
1 lb. lean pork cubes
3 zucchini (from East Farms)
1 green onions (from East Farms)
5 pears
1 head of cauliflower
1 bag of cherries (2 lbs, locally grown from Tagge's Fruit)
1 package of cherry tomatoes
8 apricots from Tagge's Fruit
Stone Ground's Artisan Wheat Loaf16 oz. rice (white or brown)
I think those shares are $12-$14ish each.