Big Blue is probably the character from Endless Alphabet / Endless
Reader that appears most often. Big Blue is a male monster who usually behaves responsibly. In Endless Numbers his birthday cake has sixteen candles, so he is approximately 16 years old. My guess is that he is the older brother of two other characters, Little Blue and Bean, because he often
appears with them while performing guardian-type tasks, but this is
never stated, and it is possible that he is modeled after an uncle or
another friendly relationship. [This theory is also not supported by a couple scenes--for example, Big Blue is part of the one big happy monster family, but neither Little Blue nor Bean appear in that movie.]

Big Blue is reasonably active. He cannot fly. To go swimming, he wore
an orange mask and fins, although we didn’t see him in the water because
Pistachio was taking up the whole pool. At the park he chooses to
swing, with Pinkerton. When exercising with other monsters, we saw Big
Blue wearing a sweatband and stretching for his toes. We also saw him
ride a bike with Dapper Dandy and Pinkerton.
Blue likes to play with a ball—between Endless Alphabet and Endless
Reader I noticed at least three times that he was playing ball; once
alone, once with Little Blue, and once Sam caught his ball. Another
time when Big Blue is on an island, he makes a friend out of a coconut
(reminding us of Tom Hanks’ Wilson in Castaway); Big Blue is lonely by
himself, which may be part of the reason he appears so often with other

Big Blue plays the banjo, although he had trouble
finding it for one word. His talent with the banjo is not a big
surprise, because those who are familiar with Endless Alphabet already
know that he is a “musician” capable of playing the electric guitar,
since he played in a band with Rod and Cone, Scampi, and Francis. Big
Blue is also a photographer, and he knows how to yodel.

We often
see Big Blue in the role of an adult. As mentioned above, he swings
with Pinkerton when some of the monsters are at the park, and he also
rides a bicycle with Pinkerton. Big Blue is often seen with Little
Blue—helping him reach cookies, watching clouds or bouncing a ball
together, and celebrating various events. Big Blue expected Sherbert to
say please when she wanted some cupcake and then he shared half with
her. Big Blue occasionally feeds Bean—he fed Bean when Bean was very
hungry because he hadn’t eaten breakfast, another time he let Bean have
cake if he ate dinner, and another time he gives Bean broccoli when Bean
wants a cupcake.

Big Blue is a popular guest at monster festivities. He is part of “one big happy monster family”, he attended a big monster dance party, and he was present at the party to “celebrate” Little Blue’s third birthday. He also eats “scrumptious” cake with Little Blue and Rocky to celebrate the one year anniversary of Endless Alphabet. This suggests that Big Blue and Little Blue may be the most original characters from the cast of EA characters.

Big Blue also appears in a few random words that don’t seem to have much to do with anything: he dyed a shirt orange with Eli, drank a potion that made him “gargantuan”, he is overwhelmed by multiplying little green things, and he yawns and falls asleep while reading books.
Big Blue runs across the screen to scatter letters both with the group, and separately with only Little Blue.
(For the full list of characters from Endless Alphabet and Endless Reader,
click here.)