Things I'm Thankful For:
- Abby, sleeping on her back
- Simply Lemonade, Limeade, and Apple Juice, in that order
- BIC pens, because they do always write
- The new bin at Smith's for recycling grocery bags
- My bicycle, and that it's purple
- Wireless Internet
- The Book of Mormon, and the Book of Mormon in Italian
- Hybrid cars, and the hydrogen atom ones
- Lamination
- People that I initially don't like that I end up becoming really really good friends with
- When I run to catch the bus and miss it and then the bus driver stops anyway
- Good artwork
- Pomegranate jelly
- The poem Remember, by Christina Rossetti
- And the poem about the penny [note: I looked for it online, and I found a bunch about tossing a penny down, but it isn't that one. I'll find it later.]
- Podcasting, even though I've never listened to one
- Cafe Rio
- Texting Google, 1-800-GOOG411, and Google artwork for holidays and April Fools jokes
- Italian movies, or really, movies dubbed into Italian
- my GPS
- The GPS things that go in cars and give directions aloud in British or Australian accents
- Being able to tell people (who call me at work) about LDS Family History Centers
- Temples
- That everyone wears white in temples
- People who make a special effort to speak English, even when it would be easier to speak their own language
- People who treat the flag properly
- Pimsleur
- The USPS, UPS, and FedEx
- the FedEx arrow hidden in their logo
- The Constitution
- Homemade bread
- Footnotes
- Research
- Donation of blood and platelets
- Organ donors
- Kids who do the right thing and blame their parents so that they look cool, even though they actually wanted to do the right thing
- Truth (facts straight) ads
- People who are genuine
- Very talented pianists and ballroom dancers
- Free days at museums
- Peace of mind
- Artichokes, but not pickled or fried
- Homemade french fries
- Amy Butler stuff
- Interesting doorknobs
- British people who finish calls by saying "Have a nice day." since they don't tell each other that over there, so they're saying it just for me
- Essays
- Memoirs
- Wikipedia
- Spreadable butter
- Arms
- That I am healthy
- Health insurance, and that mine has good ads
- Apologies, sincere
- DNA testing, which fascinates me
- The placebo effect
- Corazon, Project Linus, Warm Up America, soup kitchens
- People who sincerely believe, and live according to their beliefs, whatever they are
- Maps, in general
- Old maps that show the world as flat
- Endorphins
- Electricity
- Refrigeration
- Down comforters
- Tapestries
- Chairs
- Just DOING whatever it is
- Italian ties, which are very expensive here and often $5 in Italy
- Bartering
- That Abby uses her new cat furniture
- Proraso
- That we used to tease my little brother by blowing kisses at him
- Little miracles
- My colored pencil that holds 8 colors and is mechanical
- People who see me walking places and offer rides
- My gym, even though they're shady, and especially the cardio cinema
- Moleskine journals
- Sandwiches
- Homemade chicken / turkey noodle soup
- That money is really just money
- General Conferences
- Vacuum cleaners
- Cultures
- Pepero Day (11/11!)
- Black rimmed glasses
- Shoes
- Beautiful cemeteries
- That some people don't gossip
- People who over-prepare
- Whatever quote it was that I read on my mission about being consistent
- Examples that people set for me: (LF - enthusiasm and love, AW - pay attention to others, NRW, KJ, BL - service, Yellow's mom - being a good hostess and always making people feel welcome, CB - asking questions, being logical, and putting in hard work, my current bishop - only reads church books, AT - prayer, and so so many other people for other things.)
- Ticket to Ride
- The TTR Reunion 2009
- Punctuality
- Fly swatters and bug zappers
- Penicillin and immunizations
- Comments on pictures on Facebook
- Giraffes
- The Office (especially clean episodes)
- People signaling before switching lanes
- Fresh tomatoes
- BLTs
- Honest mechanics
- Pastrami
- Tacos and Tamales
- Fresh bagels
- Forks
- Disinfecting wipes
- Hope
- Petting zoos
- The song "Amazing Grace", which is not about a woman named Grace
- Sisters that wrote to me on my mission
- Wheaties
- Libraries
- eBay
- The YAM joke (I yam so happy we're having yams for Thanksgiving)
- Cat sweaters
More things:
- Good blog posts.
- Online Gchat to keep in touch.
- Alone time
- BYU 100 Hour Board
I love you.
And what's the YAM joke?
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