but Jessica is doing...
HER FiRsT GiVeAwAY!!!!!!
I sort of hope nobody else enters because I want to win. But aren't they so cute?
(And doesn't it look like they're from a picture out of a magazine? I think Mitch's camera has Photoshop built in. Like he takes pictures and the instant they're taken, things are posed perfectly and everything is edited. It's just a theory, but I'm pretty sure it's true.)
Hm. Now I need to do a *-GiVeAwAy!!!!!-* too.
J and I have had a lot of *-cRaFt NiGhT!!!-*s, so I'll need to think about what I can make two of next time. I think my next cRaFt!!! will be to install some linoleum tile as part of sUpEr FuN cRaFt. I'm pretty sure I'll have some extra, but my craft is versatile, (ha! punny!) you know, so I'll have to decide whether to take pictures of it with sparkling cider (for a New Year's giveaway), or with pictures of Presidents (for a Presidents' Day giveaway), or with little hearts (for a Valentine's Day giveaway), or what. I guess it might be a little while before my giveaway is ready, so I you can enter Jessica's in the meantime.
My goodness, I have so much to blog about, it seems kind of crazy to finish a blog post and not mention anything else. Here's a quick overview (from the document on my desktop "To blog about."). I'll blog more soon, now that I'm FINALLY done with this semester.
1. I have been SO busy with school this semester. I should have taken one fewer class than I did. And not been so sick for so much of the beginning of the semester, which caused me big problems.
2. J and I went to CA for Thanksgiving.
3. I interviewed J's dad for my Folklore/ life story class. I think it ended up being like 9 1/2 hours long, in 3 interviews. I'm still working on that project. I have neat stories to tell from it, though.
4. We've had a couple exciting chicken incidents worth mentioning. I think all of the birds were laying until a couple weeks ago. We got a bunch of the green eggs before everyone stopped laying. That was fun.
5. I'M ENGAGED! Seems kind of funny to mention it like this, but when J first proposed, it took a few days before all of the family people knew. And by then it seemed kind of weird to set my status on Gmail or Facebook to that, so I just didn't. And I've been trying not to think about it too much anyway, because really, no, really, I had too much school stuff. So I promised I would Really Try not to think about wedding plans at all until after my school stuff was ENTIRELY done. Because otherwise I would pretty much for sure be repeating a class or two, and I just really don't have time for that if I still want to graduate in May. (Which I do.)
6. Another neat thing is, we had an awesome sacrament meeting in church a couple weeks ago, which I took really great notes about because I wanted to share it. It was a Christmas talk, so I'll try and post about it tomorrow.