Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Whaaat....? Tour de Donut!

Today I went to Sports Authority to buy some swim paddles. I picked up "Cycling Utah" while I was there. It's one of those free newspapery magazines that you can grab at the door. Since I'm cycling these days, I thought it would be something good and motivating to page through/read while I waited for the bus after the gym.

It was good. It has a list of all of the different races and stuff, and a bunch of articles. Also a bunch of advertisements for races and bikes. One quarter-page ad caught my eye. For your pleasure and enjoyment, I will type the copy from the ad.


The Rotary Club of American Fork proudly announces the Inaugural Utah...Tour de Donut!

Join us July 12, 2008 [and then there's location and time information with a little map]

It's simple. Race 21 miles and see who is the king donut! In circuit style, ride 7 miles, then eat as many donuts as you would like. No limit. Then, ride 7 more miles, eat more donuts, then ride the last 7 mile lap. Glory and adulation are waiting for you at the Finish Line. Proceeds benefit the Utah Amber Alert ID project.

[In a fancy circle on the side: "For each donut eaten you'll get a 3 minute time deduction!"]

Visit www.utahtourdedonut.com for more information


I don't really like donuts, and I don't know how I would do on a 21 mile bike ride...but I did think the idea was really clever (and random) ! Who knew donuts could be incorporated into a bike race?!

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